28. Consider the output of the show controllers commands issued on routers R1 and R2. Of these two routers, which one should have a clock rate set for the specified serial interface, and how do you know from the output?
R1#show controllers serial 0/2/0
Interface Serial0/2/0
Hardware is GT96K
DTE V.35idb at 0x47FFCA4C, driver data structure at 0x48004290
wic_info 0x480048BC
Physical Port 5, SCC Num 5
MPSC Registers:
MMCR_L=0x000304C0, MMCR_H=0x00000000, MPCR=0x00000100
CHR1=0x00FE007E, CHR2=0x00000000, CHR3=0x0000064A, CHR4=0x00000000
CHR5=0x00000000, CHR6=0x00000000, CHR7=0x00000000, CHR8=0x00000000
CHR9=0x00000000, CHR10=0x00003008
SDMA Registers:
R2#show controllers serial 1/0
CD2430 Slot 1, Port 0, Controller 0, Channel 0, Revision 19
Channel mode is synchronous serial
idb 0x466767F0, buffer size 1524, V.35 DCE cable, clockrate 128000
Global registers
rpilr 0x2, rir 0x2, risr 0x0, rfoc 0x0, rdr 0x0
tpilr 0x1, tir 0x0, tisr 0x68, tftc 0x0, tdr 0x90
mpilr 0x3, mir 0x1, misr 0x60
bercnt 0xFF, stk 0x0
Per-channel registers for channel 0